Monday, November 4, 2013

Word on the Hill (2)

Currently, Bellingham is undergoing the process of creating a Pedestrian Master Plan (pg. 29).  The goals for this program are meant to promote safety, health, and proper use of open land. Due to its collision history and it being a popular road for pedestrians, Alabama Street is being researched as to the whether or not a “road-diet” should be implemented in order to help the street be safer for drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists. The “road diet” would remove two driving lanes travelling in either direction and add in bike lanes, left-turn lanes, and sidewalks.
However, if the plan for this “road diet” is rejected or found to be unsatisfactory to safety needs of Alabama Street, then the back-up option (pgs.12-13) will be implemented. Instead of reconstructing the entire road, the city’s effort would be put entirely into crosswalks (and, possibly, sidewalks).
Crosswalks are limited on Alabama Street. Not only are there few proper crosswalks, but the crosswalks that are already in place are in need to being enhanced. Sometimes it is difficult to cross the street since the crosswalks are limited and the amount of traffic can be a bit excessive at times since people are always gaining speed from the hill on Alabama Street, according to Ashley Zuck, a resident of Alabama Hill.
The specifics of the alternative to the “road diet” are to build HAWK signals on the existing crosswalks, which means that signs will be placed high above the street to give cars enough warning to stop for the pedestrian waiting to cross the road. The city also hopes to install flashing lights for pedestrian crosswalks, add in curb extensions, improve the lack of visibility for both cars and pedestrians, improve signs, and relocate the bus stops to safer locations (pg.13).
The city also wishes to focus more on the crosswalks and safety of the walkways and crosswalks located directly by schools in order to keep school zones as safe as they can.

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