Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Alabama Hill in Bellingham, Washington

My name is Stephanie Bishop, and I am a journalism student at Western Washington University. I have created this blog in order to report news happening in or around Alabama Hill. While the news may not be directly from Alabama Hill, the main purpose of this blog is to post news that can affect or influence residents of that neighborhood.

Alabama Hill is a very residential neighborhood that has many families and homes, but not many public social settings located directly within the neighborhood. The parks in or near Alabama Hill, such as St. Clair Park and Bloedel Donovan Park, tend to have the most activity around this neighborhood.

The news that I will be posting here will be things that I have learned from residents of Alabama Hill by walking around and talking to people. The people I speak to may not necessarily live in Alabama Hill, but at least spend some of their time their and know about the neighborhood. I then take the ideas given to me by patrons of Bellingham and turn them into news worthy stories.

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